Full name:
Name | Type | Since | Description |
additionalCommandline | String | - | Specifies additional command line parameters to pass to ndk-build User property is: android.ndk.additionalCommandline. |
additionallyBuiltModules | List | - | (no description) |
allowMultiArtifacts | boolean | - | Flag indicating whether or not multiple number of native libraries
should be included Default value is: false. |
applicationMakefile | String | - | Specifies the application makefile to use for the build (if other
than the default Application.mk). User property is: android.ndk.applicationMakefile. |
architectureToolchainMappings | ArchitectureToolchainMappings | - | Defines the architecture to toolchain mappings for the NDK build
</architectureToolchainMappings> |
architectures | String | - | Defines the architectures for the NDK build - this is a space
separated list (i.e x86 armeabi) User property is: android.ndk.architectures. |
attachHeaderFiles | Boolean | - | Flag indicating whether the header files used in the build should
be included and attached to the build as an additional artifact. Default value is: true. User property is: android.ndk.attachHeaderFiles. |
attachLibrariesArtifacts | Boolean | - | Flag indicating whether the final artifacts should be included and
attached to the build as an artifact. Default value is: true. User property is: android.ndk.attachLibrariesArtifacts. |
buildWarningsRegularExpression | String | - | Defines the regular expression used to detect whether error/warning
output from ndk-build is a minor compile warning or is actually an
error which should cause the build to fail. If the pattern matches,
the output from the compiler will not be
considered an error and compile will be successful. Default value is: .*[warning|note]: .*. User property is: android.ndk.buildWarningsRegularExpression. |
classifier | String | - | Specifies the classifier with which the artifact should be stored
in the repository User property is: android.ndk.classifier. |
finalLibraryName | String | - | Specifies the final name of the library output by the build (this
allows the pom to override the default artifact name). The value
should not include the 'lib' prefix or filename extension (e.g.
'.so'). User property is: android.ndk.finalLibraryName. |
headerFilesDirectives | List | - | Specifies the set of header files includes/excludes which should be
used for bundling the exported header files. The below shows an
example of how this can be used.
<headerFilesDirectives> <headerFilesDirective> <directory>${basedir}/jni/include</directory> <includes> <includes>**\/*.h</include> </includes> <headerFilesDirective> </headerFilesDirectives> If no headerFilesDirectives is specified, the default includes will be defined as shown below: <headerFilesDirectives> <headerFilesDirective> <directory>${basedir}/jni</directory> <includes> <includes>**\/*.h</include> </includes> <excludes> <exclude>**\/*.c</exclude> </excludes> <headerFilesDirective> [..] </headerFilesDirectives> |
ignoreBuildWarnings | Boolean | - | Flag indicating whether warnings should be ignored while compiling.
If true, the build will not fail if warning are found during
compile. Default value is: true. User property is: android.ndk.ignoreBuildWarnings. |
ignoreHeaderFilesArchives | List | - | Specifies a set of group/artifact identifiers for which header
archives should not be attempted to be resolved. This is useful
when a static library dependcy on other static libraries but the
headers of those libraries are not necessarily available. This
allows the plugin to exclude the retrieval of those header archives
<ignoreHeaderFilesArchives> <ignoreHeaderFilesArchive> <groupId>com.insidesecure.drm.agent.android</groupId> <artifactId>expat-static-lib</artifactId> </ignoreHeaderFilesArchive> <ignoreHeaderFilesArchive> <groupId>com.insidesecure.drm.agent.android</groupId> <artifactId>pcre-static-</artifactId> </ignoreHeaderFilesArchive> </ignoreHeaderFilesArchives> |
leaveTemporaryBuildArtifacts | Boolean | - | Flag indicating whether temporary build artifacts are removed after
a build Default value is: false. User property is: android.ndk.leaveTemporaryBuildArtifacts. |
librariesOutputDirectory | File | - |
Folder containing native, static libraries compiled and linked by the NDK. Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/ndk-libs. User property is: android.ndk.librariesOutputDirectory. |
makefile | String | - | Specifies the makefile to use for the build (if other than the
default Android.mk). User property is: android.ndk.makefile. |
maxJobs | Boolean | - | Flag indicating whether to use the max available jobs for the host
machine Default value is: false. User property is: android.ndk.maxJobs. |
ndkBuildExecutable | String | - | Allows for overriding the default ndk-build executable. User property is: android.ndk.ndkBuildExecutable. |
ndkToolchain | String | - | Specifies the NDK toolchain to use for the build. This will be
using the NDK_TOOLCHAIN define on the ndk-build commandline. User property is: android.ndk.build.ndk-toolchain. |
objectsOutputDirectory | File | - |
Folder containing native, static libraries compiled and linked by the NDK. Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/obj. User property is: android.ndk.objectsOutputDirectory. |
skip | boolean | - | Flag indicating whether or not the build should be skipped entirely Default value is: false. |
systemProperties | Map | - | Defines additional system properties which should be exported to
the ndk-build script. This <systemProperties> <propertyName>propertyValue</propertyName> <build-target>android</build-target> [..] </systemProperties> |
target | String | - |
Target to invoke on the native makefile. User property is: android.ndk.target. |
unpackedLibsFolder | File | - | Folder in which AAR/APKLIB library dependencies will be unpacked. Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/unpacked-libs. User property is: unpackedLibsFolder. |
useHeaderArchives | Boolean | - | Flag indicating whether the header files for native, static library
dependencies should be used. If true, the header archive for each
statically linked dependency will be resolved. Default value is: true. User property is: android.ndk.build.use-header-archive. |
useLocalSrcIncludePaths | Boolean | - | Flag indicating whether the make files last LOCAL_SRC_INCLUDES
should be used for determining what header files to include.
Setting this flag to true, overrides any defined header files
directives. Note: By setting this flag to true,
all header files used in the project will be added to the resulting
header archive. This may be undesirable in most cases and is
therefore turned off by default. Default value is: false. User property is: android.ndk.useLocalSrcIncludePaths. |
<headerFilesDirectives> <headerFilesDirective> <directory>${basedir}/jni/include</directory> <includes> <includes>**\/*.h</include> </includes> <headerFilesDirective> </headerFilesDirectives>
<headerFilesDirectives> <headerFilesDirective> <directory>${basedir}/jni</directory> <includes> <includes>**\/*.h</include> </includes> <excludes> <exclude>**\/*.c</exclude> </excludes> <headerFilesDirective> [..] </headerFilesDirectives>
<ignoreHeaderFilesArchives> <ignoreHeaderFilesArchive> <groupId>com.insidesecure.drm.agent.android</groupId> <artifactId>expat-static-lib</artifactId> </ignoreHeaderFilesArchive> <ignoreHeaderFilesArchive> <groupId>com.insidesecure.drm.agent.android</groupId> <artifactId>pcre-static-</artifactId> </ignoreHeaderFilesArchive> </ignoreHeaderFilesArchives>
Folder containing native, static libraries compiled and linked by the NDK.
Folder containing native, static libraries compiled and linked by the NDK.
<systemProperties> <propertyName>propertyValue</propertyName> <build-target>android</build-target> [..] </systemProperties>
Target to invoke on the native makefile.