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Internal. Do not use.
Called automatically when the lifecycle reaches phase pre-integration-test. Figures out whether to call goals in this phase; and if so, calls android:deploy-dependencies and android:deploy.


  • Requires a Maven project to be executed.
  • Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: pre-integration-test.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
aaptExtraArgs String[] - A list of extra arguments that must be passed to aapt.
User property is: android.aaptExtraArgs.
aaptVerbose boolean - Activate verbose output for the aapt execution in Maven debug mode. Defaults to "false"
User property is: android.aaptVerbose.
adbConnectionTimeout int - The timeout value for an adb connection in milliseconds.
Default value is: 5000.
User property is: android.adb.connectionTimeout.
androidManifestFile File - The AndroidManifest.xml file.
Default value is: ${project.basedir}/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
User property is: android.manifestFile.
assetsDirectory File - The android assets directory.
Default value is: ${project.basedir}/src/main/assets.
attachJar boolean -

Whether to attach the normal .jar file to the build, so it can be depended on by for example integration-tests which may then access from this project.

Only disable it if you know you won't need it for any integration-tests. Otherwise, leave it enabled.

Default value is: true.
User property is: android.attachJar.
attachSources boolean -

Whether to attach sources to the build, which can be depended on by other apk projects, for including them in their builds.

Enabling this setting is only required if this project's source code and/or res(ources) will be included in other projects, using the Maven <dependency> tag.

Default value is: false.
User property is: android.attachSources.
configurations String - A selection of configurations to be included in the APK as a comma separated list. This will limit the configurations for a certain type. For example, specifying hdpi will exclude all resource folders with the mdpi or ldpi modifiers, but won't affect language or orientation modifiers. For more information about this option, look in the aapt command line help.
User property is: android.configurations.
customPackage String - Generates into a different package.
User property is: android.customPackage.
destinationManifestFile File - Path to which to save the result of updating/merging/processing the source AndroidManifest.xml file (androidManifestFile).
Default value is: ${}/AndroidManifest.xml.
User property is: destination.manifestFile.
device String - Specifies which the serial number of the device to connect to. Using the special values "usb" or "emulator" is also valid. "usb" will connect to all actual devices connected (via usb). "emulator" will connect to all emulators connected. Multiple devices will be iterated over in terms of goals to run. All device interaction goals support this so you can e.. deploy the apk to all attached emulators and devices. Goals supporting this are devices, deploy, undeploy, redeploy, pull, push and instrument.
User property is: android.device.
deviceThreads int -

Specifies the number of threads to use for deploying and testing on attached devices.

This parameter can also be configured from command-line with parameter -Dandroid.deviceThreads=2.

User property is: android.deviceThreads.
devices String[] -

Specifies a list of serial numbers of each device you want to connect to. Using the special values "usb" or "emulator" is also valid. "usb" will connect to all actual devices connected (via usb). "emulator" will connect to all emulators connected. Multiple devices will be iterated over in terms of goals to run. All device interaction goals support this so you can e.. deploy the apk to all attached emulators and devices. Goals supporting this are devices, deploy, undeploy, redeploy, pull, push and instrument.


This parameter can also be configured from command-line with parameter -Dandroid.devices=usb,emulator.

User property is: android.devices.
disableConflictingDependenciesWarning File - Whether the plugin should show a warning if conflicting dependencies with the Android provided ones exist.
Default value is: false.
genDirectory File - Override default generated folder containing
Default value is: ${}/generated-sources/r.
User property is: android.genDirectory.
generateApk boolean - Decides whether the Apk should be generated or not. If set to false, dx and apkBuilder will not run. This is probably most useful for a project used to generate apk sources to be inherited into another application project.
Default value is: true.
User property is: android.generateApk.
includeLibsJarsFromAar boolean -

Include jars stored in the libs folder of an aar as dependencies. Do not delete or change name as it is used in the LifeCycleParticipant.

Default value is: true.
includeLibsJarsFromApklib boolean -

Include jars stored in the libs folder of an apklib as dependencies. Do not delete or change name as it is used in the LifeCycleParticipant.

Default value is: false.
ips String[] -

External IP addresses. The connect goal of the android maven plugin will execute an adb connect on each IP address. If you have external dervice, you should call this connect goal before any other goal : mvn clean android:connect install.

The Maven plugin will automatically add all these IP addresses into the the devices parameter. If you want to disconnect the IP addresses after the build, you can call the disconnect goal : mvn clean android:connect install android:disconnect


User property is: android.ips.
jack Jack - configure the Jack compiler
nativeLibrariesDirectory File -

Root folder containing native libraries to include in the application package.

Default value is: ${project.basedir}/src/main/libs.
User property is: android.nativeLibrariesDirectory.
ndk Ndk -

The Android NDK to use.

Looks like this:


The <path> parameter is optional. The default is the setting of the ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable. The parameter can be used to override this setting with a different environment variable like this:


or just with a hardcoded absolute path. The parameters can also be configured from command-line with parameter -Dandroid.ndk.path.

proguardFile File - Automatically create a ProGuard configuration file that will guard Activity classes and the like that are defined in the AndroidManifest.xml. This files is then automatically used in the proguard mojo execution, if enabled.
User property is: android.proguardFile.
release boolean - Whether to create a release build (default is false / debug build). This affect BuildConfig generation and apk generation at this stage, but should probably affect other aspects of the build.
Default value is: false.
User property is: android.release.
renameManifestPackage String -

A possibly new package name for the application. This value will be passed on to the aapt parameter --rename-manifest-package. Look to aapt for more help on this.

User property is: android.renameManifestPackage.
resourceDirectory File - The Android resources (src/main/res) directory. Note that this is different from the Maven/Java resources directory (src/main/resources) and should not be set to be the same since different processing is carried out on these folder by different plugins and tools.
Default value is: ${project.basedir}/src/main/res.
resourceOverlayDirectories File[] - The android resources overlay directories. If this is specified, the resourceOverlayDirectory parameter will be ignored.
resourceOverlayDirectory File - The android resources overlay directory. This will be overridden by resourceOverlayDirectories if present.
Default value is: ${project.basedir}/res-overlay.
sdk Sdk -

The Android SDK to use.

Looks like this:


The <platform> parameter is optional, and corresponds to the platforms/android-* directories in the Android SDK directory. Default is the latest available version, so you only need to set it if you for example want to use platform 1.5 but also have e.g. 2.2 installed. Has no effect when used on an Android SDK 1.1. The parameter can also be coded as the API level. Therefore valid values are 1.1, 1.5, 1.6, 2.0, 2.01, 2.1, 2.2 and so as well as 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... 19. If a platform/api level is not installed on the machine an error message will be produced.

The <path> parameter is optional. The default is the setting of the ANDROID_HOME environment variable. The parameter can be used to override this setting with a different environment variable like this:


or just with a hard-coded absolute path. The parameters can also be configured from command-line with parameters -Dandroid.sdk.path and -Dandroid.sdk.platform.

test Test - The configuration to use for running instrumentation tests. Complete configuration is possible in the plugin configuration:
  <logOnly>true|false</logOnly>  avd
    <instrumentationArg>key value</instrumentationArg>

testAnnotations List -

Whether to execute tests which are annotated with the given annotations.

or as e.g. -Dandroid.test.annotations=annotation1,annotation2
User property is: android.test.annotations.
testClasses List -

Whether to execute test classes which are specified as part of the instrumentation tests.

or as e.g. -Dandroid.test.classes=class1,class2
User property is: android.test.classes.
testCoverage Boolean - Enable or disable code coverage for this instrumentation test run.
Default value is: false.
User property is: android.test.coverage.
testCoverageFile String - Location on device into which coverage should be stored (blank for Android default /data/data/
User property is: android.test.coverageFile.
testCreateReport Boolean - Create a junit xml format compatible output file containing the test results for each device the instrumentation tests run on.

The files are stored in target/surefire-reports and named TEST-deviceid.xml. The deviceid for an emulator is deviceSerialNumber_avdName_manufacturer_model. The serial number is commonly emulator-5554 for the first emulator started with numbers increasing. avdName is as defined in the SDK tool. The manufacturer is typically "unknown" and the model is typically "sdk". The deviceid for an actual devices is deviceSerialNumber_manufacturer_model.

The file contains system properties from the system running the Android Maven Plugin (JVM) and device properties from the device/emulator the tests are running on.

The file contains a single TestSuite for all tests and a TestCase for each test method. Errors and failures are logged in the file and the system log with full stack traces and other details available.
Default value is: true.
User property is: android.test.createreport.
testDebug Boolean - Enable debug causing the test runner to wait until debugger is connected with the Android debug bridge (adb).
Default value is: false.
User property is: android.test.debug.
testExcludeAnnotations List -

Whether to execute tests which are not annotated with the given annotations.

or as e.g. -Dandroid.test.excludeAnnotations=annotation1,annotation2
User property is: android.test.excludeAnnotations.
testFailSafe Boolean - Enables or disables integration safe failure. If true build will not stop on test failure or error.
Default value is: true.
User property is: android.test.failsafe.
testInstrumentationArgs List -

Extra instrumentation arguments.

    <instrumentationArg>key value</instrumentationArg>
    <instrumentationArg>key 'value with spaces'</instrumentationArg>
or as e.g. -Dandroid.test.instrumentationArgs="key1 value1","key2 'value with spaces'"
User property is: android.test.instrumentationArgs.
testInstrumentationPackage String - Package name of the apk we wish to instrument. If not specified, it is inferred from AndroidManifest.xml.
User property is: android.test.instrumentationPackage.
testInstrumentationRunner String - Class name of test runner. If not specified, it is inferred from AndroidManifest.xml.
User property is: android.test.instrumentationRunner.
testLogOnly Boolean - Enable this flag to run a log only and not execute the tests.
Default value is: false.
User property is: android.test.logonly.
testPackages List -

Whether to execute tests only in given packages as part of the instrumentation tests.

or as e.g. -Dandroid.test.packages=package1,package2
User property is: android.test.packages.
testSkip String - Enables or disables integration test related goals. If true they will be skipped; if false, they will be run. If auto, they will run if any of the classes inherit from any class in junit.framework.** or android.test.**.
Default value is: auto.
User property is: android.test.skip.
testTestSize String - If specified only execute tests of certain size as defined by the Android instrumentation testing SmallTest, MediumTest and LargeTest annotations. Use "small", "medium" or "large" as values.
User property is: android.test.testsize.
undeployBeforeDeploy boolean -

Whether to undeploy an apk from the device before deploying it.

Only has effect when running mvn android:deploy in an Android application project manually, or when running mvn integration-test (or mvn install) in a project with instrumentation tests.

It is useful to keep this set to true at all times, because if an apk with the same package was previously signed with a different keystore, and deployed to the device, deployment will fail because your keystore is different.

Default value is: false.
User property is: android.undeployBeforeDeploy.
unpackedLibsFolder File - Folder in which AAR library dependencies will be unpacked.
Default value is: ${}/unpacked-libs.
User property is: unpackedLibsFolder.

Parameter Details


A list of extra arguments that must be passed to aapt.
  • Type: java.lang.String[]
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.aaptExtraArgs


Activate verbose output for the aapt execution in Maven debug mode. Defaults to "false"
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.aaptVerbose


The timeout value for an adb connection in milliseconds.
  • Type: int
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.adb.connectionTimeout
  • Default: 5000


The AndroidManifest.xml file.
  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.manifestFile
  • Default: ${project.basedir}/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml


The android assets directory.
  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • Default: ${project.basedir}/src/main/assets


Whether to attach the normal .jar file to the build, so it can be depended on by for example integration-tests which may then access from this project.

Only disable it if you know you won't need it for any integration-tests. Otherwise, leave it enabled.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.attachJar
  • Default: true


Whether to attach sources to the build, which can be depended on by other apk projects, for including them in their builds.

Enabling this setting is only required if this project's source code and/or res(ources) will be included in other projects, using the Maven <dependency> tag.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.attachSources
  • Default: false


A selection of configurations to be included in the APK as a comma separated list. This will limit the configurations for a certain type. For example, specifying hdpi will exclude all resource folders with the mdpi or ldpi modifiers, but won't affect language or orientation modifiers. For more information about this option, look in the aapt command line help.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.configurations


Generates into a different package.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.customPackage


Path to which to save the result of updating/merging/processing the source AndroidManifest.xml file (androidManifestFile).
  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • User Property: destination.manifestFile
  • Default: ${}/AndroidManifest.xml


Specifies which the serial number of the device to connect to. Using the special values "usb" or "emulator" is also valid. "usb" will connect to all actual devices connected (via usb). "emulator" will connect to all emulators connected. Multiple devices will be iterated over in terms of goals to run. All device interaction goals support this so you can e.. deploy the apk to all attached emulators and devices. Goals supporting this are devices, deploy, undeploy, redeploy, pull, push and instrument.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.device


Specifies the number of threads to use for deploying and testing on attached devices.

This parameter can also be configured from command-line with parameter -Dandroid.deviceThreads=2.

  • Type: int
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.deviceThreads


Specifies a list of serial numbers of each device you want to connect to. Using the special values "usb" or "emulator" is also valid. "usb" will connect to all actual devices connected (via usb). "emulator" will connect to all emulators connected. Multiple devices will be iterated over in terms of goals to run. All device interaction goals support this so you can e.. deploy the apk to all attached emulators and devices. Goals supporting this are devices, deploy, undeploy, redeploy, pull, push and instrument.


This parameter can also be configured from command-line with parameter -Dandroid.devices=usb,emulator.

  • Type: java.lang.String[]
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.devices


Whether the plugin should show a warning if conflicting dependencies with the Android provided ones exist.
  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


Override default generated folder containing
  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.genDirectory
  • Default: ${}/generated-sources/r


Decides whether the Apk should be generated or not. If set to false, dx and apkBuilder will not run. This is probably most useful for a project used to generate apk sources to be inherited into another application project.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.generateApk
  • Default: true


Include jars stored in the libs folder of an aar as dependencies. Do not delete or change name as it is used in the LifeCycleParticipant.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: true


Include jars stored in the libs folder of an apklib as dependencies. Do not delete or change name as it is used in the LifeCycleParticipant.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


External IP addresses. The connect goal of the android maven plugin will execute an adb connect on each IP address. If you have external dervice, you should call this connect goal before any other goal : mvn clean android:connect install.

The Maven plugin will automatically add all these IP addresses into the the devices parameter. If you want to disconnect the IP addresses after the build, you can call the disconnect goal : mvn clean android:connect install android:disconnect

  • Type: java.lang.String[]
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.ips


configure the Jack compiler
  • Type:
  • Required: No


Root folder containing native libraries to include in the application package.

  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.nativeLibrariesDirectory
  • Default: ${project.basedir}/src/main/libs


The Android NDK to use.

Looks like this:


The <path> parameter is optional. The default is the setting of the ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable. The parameter can be used to override this setting with a different environment variable like this:


or just with a hardcoded absolute path. The parameters can also be configured from command-line with parameter -Dandroid.ndk.path.

  • Type:
  • Required: No


Automatically create a ProGuard configuration file that will guard Activity classes and the like that are defined in the AndroidManifest.xml. This files is then automatically used in the proguard mojo execution, if enabled.
  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.proguardFile


Whether to create a release build (default is false / debug build). This affect BuildConfig generation and apk generation at this stage, but should probably affect other aspects of the build.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.release
  • Default: false


A possibly new package name for the application. This value will be passed on to the aapt parameter --rename-manifest-package. Look to aapt for more help on this.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.renameManifestPackage


The Android resources (src/main/res) directory. Note that this is different from the Maven/Java resources directory (src/main/resources) and should not be set to be the same since different processing is carried out on these folder by different plugins and tools.
  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • Default: ${project.basedir}/src/main/res


The android resources overlay directories. If this is specified, the resourceOverlayDirectory parameter will be ignored.
  • Type:[]
  • Required: No


The android resources overlay directory. This will be overridden by resourceOverlayDirectories if present.
  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • Default: ${project.basedir}/res-overlay


The Android SDK to use.

Looks like this:


The <platform> parameter is optional, and corresponds to the platforms/android-* directories in the Android SDK directory. Default is the latest available version, so you only need to set it if you for example want to use platform 1.5 but also have e.g. 2.2 installed. Has no effect when used on an Android SDK 1.1. The parameter can also be coded as the API level. Therefore valid values are 1.1, 1.5, 1.6, 2.0, 2.01, 2.1, 2.2 and so as well as 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... 19. If a platform/api level is not installed on the machine an error message will be produced.

The <path> parameter is optional. The default is the setting of the ANDROID_HOME environment variable. The parameter can be used to override this setting with a different environment variable like this:


or just with a hard-coded absolute path. The parameters can also be configured from command-line with parameters -Dandroid.sdk.path and -Dandroid.sdk.platform.

  • Type:
  • Required: No


The configuration to use for running instrumentation tests. Complete configuration is possible in the plugin configuration:
  <logOnly>true|false</logOnly>  avd
    <instrumentationArg>key value</instrumentationArg>
  • Type:
  • Required: No


Whether to execute tests which are annotated with the given annotations.

or as e.g. -Dandroid.test.annotations=annotation1,annotation2
  • Type: java.util.List
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.test.annotations


Whether to execute test classes which are specified as part of the instrumentation tests.

or as e.g. -Dandroid.test.classes=class1,class2
  • Type: java.util.List
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.test.classes


Enable or disable code coverage for this instrumentation test run.
  • Type: java.lang.Boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.test.coverage
  • Default: false


Location on device into which coverage should be stored (blank for Android default /data/data/
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.test.coverageFile


Create a junit xml format compatible output file containing the test results for each device the instrumentation tests run on.

The files are stored in target/surefire-reports and named TEST-deviceid.xml. The deviceid for an emulator is deviceSerialNumber_avdName_manufacturer_model. The serial number is commonly emulator-5554 for the first emulator started with numbers increasing. avdName is as defined in the SDK tool. The manufacturer is typically "unknown" and the model is typically "sdk". The deviceid for an actual devices is deviceSerialNumber_manufacturer_model.

The file contains system properties from the system running the Android Maven Plugin (JVM) and device properties from the device/emulator the tests are running on.

The file contains a single TestSuite for all tests and a TestCase for each test method. Errors and failures are logged in the file and the system log with full stack traces and other details available.
  • Type: java.lang.Boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.test.createreport
  • Default: true


Enable debug causing the test runner to wait until debugger is connected with the Android debug bridge (adb).
  • Type: java.lang.Boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.test.debug
  • Default: false


Whether to execute tests which are not annotated with the given annotations.

or as e.g. -Dandroid.test.excludeAnnotations=annotation1,annotation2
  • Type: java.util.List
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.test.excludeAnnotations


Enables or disables integration safe failure. If true build will not stop on test failure or error.
  • Type: java.lang.Boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.test.failsafe
  • Default: true


Extra instrumentation arguments.

    <instrumentationArg>key value</instrumentationArg>
    <instrumentationArg>key 'value with spaces'</instrumentationArg>
or as e.g. -Dandroid.test.instrumentationArgs="key1 value1","key2 'value with spaces'"
  • Type: java.util.List
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.test.instrumentationArgs


Package name of the apk we wish to instrument. If not specified, it is inferred from AndroidManifest.xml.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.test.instrumentationPackage


Class name of test runner. If not specified, it is inferred from AndroidManifest.xml.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.test.instrumentationRunner


Enable this flag to run a log only and not execute the tests.
  • Type: java.lang.Boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.test.logonly
  • Default: false


Whether to execute tests only in given packages as part of the instrumentation tests.

or as e.g. -Dandroid.test.packages=package1,package2
  • Type: java.util.List
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.test.packages


Enables or disables integration test related goals. If true they will be skipped; if false, they will be run. If auto, they will run if any of the classes inherit from any class in junit.framework.** or android.test.**.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.test.skip
  • Default: auto


If specified only execute tests of certain size as defined by the Android instrumentation testing SmallTest, MediumTest and LargeTest annotations. Use "small", "medium" or "large" as values.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.test.testsize


Whether to undeploy an apk from the device before deploying it.

Only has effect when running mvn android:deploy in an Android application project manually, or when running mvn integration-test (or mvn install) in a project with instrumentation tests.

It is useful to keep this set to true at all times, because if an apk with the same package was previously signed with a different keystore, and deployed to the device, deployment will fail because your keystore is different.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: android.undeployBeforeDeploy
  • Default: false


Folder in which AAR library dependencies will be unpacked.
  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • User Property: unpackedLibsFolder
  • Default: ${}/unpacked-libs