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Android Maven Plugin Example Projects

All the examples are located in src/test/projects of the plugin code base. They are all stand-alone Maven projects that can be copied into a separate location and used as a basis or inspiration for your own projects and serve as useful examples for all the different use cases of the Android Maven Plugin.

The are also built as part of the integration tests and the tests that run those builds are all named '*'.

Typically you can do a full build of the application in the example with

mvn clean install

Multi-module examples will potentially require an attached device or emulator and deploy the application and the integrations tests as part of the above invocation.

In all cases you can deploy the application with

mvn android:deploy

and even start it with

mvn android:run

Check out the documentation on other goals of the plugin for other potential tasks to run and inspect the POM file to see used the configuration and the IT test Java class for other example invocations.


Located in the helloflashlight folder. A flashlight application as an example for a simple Android application build.


Located in the buildConfigInjection folder. Based on the flashlight application, this shows you how to inject information into the BuildConfig class. Useful for versioning and build tracking.


Located in the morseflash folder. A multi-module application with a simple jar project for non-Android Java classes, the application and a integration test module.

ActionBarSherlock Example

Located in the aar-actionbarsherlock-example folder. An example application that uses the ActionBarSherlock library packaged as an AAR as a dependency.

API Demos Application

Located in the apidemos-android-16 folder. The example application from the Android SDK (API level 16) repackaged to be built with the Android Maven Plugin.


Located in the support4demos folder. A simple demo application using the support library.

Library Projects

Located in the libraryprojects folder. A number of library project using apklib and aar packaging as well as transitive dependencies and a simple application consuming all those including integration tests verifying the correct consumption of the dependencies and their resources and code.

AAR Child

Located in the aar-child folder. A test project for AAR usage.